A good answer might be:

No. (If you got this question wrong, or don't even know what it asks, you need to study Chapter Four.)

Sample Java Program

Here is an example Java program. It is about as small a program as is possible. Some of its details will be explained later.

class Hello
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    System.out.println("Hello World!");

This program will be created as a text file using a text editor such as the "NotePad" editor (details on how to do this will come later.) The important thing for now is to note that it is a file that is saved on the hard disk. The file should be named Hello.java. This file is called a source program.

Since the file contains characters (stored as bytes) it can not be directly executed (run) by the computer system. As a file containing text, all that can be done with it is to print it, display it on the monitor, or alter it with a text editor.


(Review of chapter 4:) What are the two ways of getting a source program to run on a computer system?